Too young too dumb

Claudia • Freedom is the essential part of my life!
I was diagnosed with herpesvirus HSV2 3 weeks ago... I'm only 19 i feel love life have ended. To be honest I feel lonely depress and scared, I don't want to infect no one! i have no idea who pass it to me and the weirdest thing is where i gave the infection. IM INFECTED ON MY Right HAND idk if this is worse? Or more contagious? Please ladies help me to live this new life 😔
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How many outbreaks have you gotten since the first one?


Posted at
You'll probably have less outbreaks since it's on your hand but it's a good disease to cover it up. I would just tell people that it's a cold sore. The good thing is that it won't really change your sex life! You'll be fine


Claudia • Jun 9, 2016
Thank you so much Nicole 🤗


Nicole • Jun 9, 2016
Well I've heard people who have HSV 2 (which is typically genital) in your mouth then you have less outbreaks. same when it's HSV1 on your genitals. I'd just be careful to cover it up when you're having an outbreak so you don't spread it to other body parts or people


Claudia • Jun 9, 2016
Really???? I'm really happy to hear that! So having it on my hand is not that bad?