The HSV Talk

I was diagnosed with genital herpes over a week now (got tested two weeks ago). I have been trying to tell the guy I've been talking to this past year but he's been avoiding me.
I can't stop thinking about having this conversation with the guys I've slept with these past couple of months.. My anxiety hasn't been this bad in a long time. Out of all the guys I've been sleeping with there is only one I truly care for and truly have feelings for. I haven't seen him in over a month (a week before my first outbreak) other than the times he has passed by my job to say hi. We haven't spent time alone together recently and it seems like I am the only one making an effort to look at both of our schedules and figure out when we can see each other. He knows that I want to talk to him about something but he's been ignoring me. We had plans to meet up earlier this week but when the day finally came he made it clear that he had more important things to do and we never met up. 
I have to tell him so that he can get tested as well and asap but he's making it seem impossible for me to see him. I do not want to have this conversation over text or over a phone call. I'd rather tell him in person. /:
Do you ladies think that maybe he's just nervous about what it is I want to talk to him abour? What should I do ..