Brown discharge

Hi All! I'm 5.5 weeks and had a tiny bit of pink-brown fluid spotting about a week ago and have had brown discharge every day since - not like the before/after your period quantity but more like regular discharge levels or maybe slightly more - only it's tinged brown. Is anyone else experiencing this? 
I miscarried in Feb at 5.5 weeks, so scared of having a repeat. I'm 36 and want to get this show on the road! ;) Concerned it could be low progesterone as I have a short luteal phase (10-11 days). Getting blood drawn to find out and to test Hcg levels at 48 hr intervals.
I'm seeing a midwife (not a doctor) and wondering if I should switch to a doctor for a more "medicalized" approach? The midwives already said they don't think progesterone supplementation would help prevent a miscarriage.