Ex-Boyfriend and my Ex-friend

So my ex and I had been together for a full year. We had ups and downs and every time we argued and took a break, he would bother me as I try moving on, and keep calling me and crying saying he would commit suicide if I didn't love him. So I was force to go back out with him. Then after a while we finally took a break for good. We tried staying in good terms but he keeps doing wrong things. After we broke up officially, he started talking to my friend. And they started liking each other. While he still had feelings for me. He made me cry multiple times because I would be in the same room as them at family get togethers. 
Then after things didn't go well with them. He started talking to my other friend. And now they go out. My friend Said she wouldn't date him and that she cares about my feelings, but she still went out with him, even after all the things I said that he wasn't a good choice. But now I have a new boyfriend, and she keeps talking to him. 
Also, my ex would say we are on good terms, but he goes around saying my past mistakes. He told my boyfriend what mistakes I have done, to make my boyfriend break up with me. But it just made my Boyfriend even more depressed than he already is. 
What should I do? Is my ex doing a form of bullying?? 
Please help..