Hello ladies just wondering if any of you guys use more then one fertility app and if so which ones!? 
I use GLOW and also OVIA but I have to say they are both so very different!! For example today I'm having a lot of EWCM and OVIA tells me I'm in my fertility window (2nd day) yet GLOW says I'm a week away from the first day of my fertility window 😂😂
 I sometimes wonder if either of these apps are accurate or if it's all just a bunch of bull. Been trying to get pregnant with PCOS and insulin resistance for over 3 years and I have to say it is THE HARDEST thing I have ever done in my life. I'm hoping and wishing that we get pregnant soon since we are getting married in 45 days and all we have ever wanted is to start a family!! What a great gift to ourself that would be!!