
I just need to vent or get some help opinions Idk. But today I'm gonna leave my kids with a friend to get taken care of pretty much all day me and my husband have some stuff to do and we can't have our kids with us the reason I'm freaking out is cause I have never left them like this with no one I'm a sahm they're used to being with me all day and I asked other friends and they said no this one was the only helpful one that said yes but she lives an hour away from me and Idk if that makes me more nervous. I trust her with the kids it's just my kids are very shy and aren't used to being away from me she has kids as well so I hope that helps but I'm just freaking out and getting alot of anxiety over this I feel like i Wana cry ! She would take care of them till probably like 6 it's pretty much all day ugh Idk.