I really need your opinions! ! How often is it ok for a SO to want to go out drinking with his mate's?


So I have been with my SO for nearly 20 years. We have 2 children (2 girls- 8 & 9 ) & I'm expecting our 3rd in August. Now in all those years, I've never been the type to tell him where he can & can't go. Which is usually out drinking to the local pub with his mates atleast once a week( staying away for the entire night). He's not working therefore I pay the rent, gas, electricity etc. He does very little to help around the house except cooking dinner each night ( because he insists on doing it himself) This weekend he went ahead & made plans to go into town ( clubbing ) and I told him I didn't think it was appropriate.

Well now he's completely pissed off at me & is going on saying Im telling him what he can & can't do & now he'll never go out again blah blah blah!

I never EVER go out with friends, leaving him with the kids, let alone out drinking every week etc.

Am I being unfair by asking him not to go out drinking with his mate's EVERY weekend & staying at home with his family? I think he's behaving like a spoilt brat, sulking when he doesn't get his own way!!

What do you think? Please help!!!