my birth story- sorry it's so long!

My little one was due June 7th and came 2 days early on Sunday afternoon. I started having contractions every night 3 days prior to his due date but they always stopped. They lasted a few hours and were 8 minutes apart so I knew it wasn't time. Sunday morning we woke up around 430 and were talking in bed, as I started to fall back asleep at 630 I felt really wet all of a sudden. I went to the bathroom and my shorts were SOAKED and I had a lot of discharge. I called labor and delivery and they said to give it some time or to come down and get checked. We both showered and had breakfast then I started having some back pain. I told my boyfriend lets go because it was starting to hurt. I'm less than 2 miles away from the hospital and as we were checking in my back started to hurt more and more. Walked in and put on my gown and waited in the hospital bed; no front contractions strictly all back labor AND IT HURT! Nurse came in and checked me I was 4 cm and contractions were 3-4 minutes apart. At 10:45 I was begging for the epidural because I couldn't even breathe or talk through them anymore they hurt so bad. Got the epidural and was 5cm 80% at this point. The nurse put me on this little plastic thing to check my dilation and before I knew it 10 nurses were in there flipping me around and trying to stay calm. Babys heart rate dropped when I went on my back so I was stuck on my left side. Turns out it wasn't my water that broke; it was just a ton of discharge which still doesn't make sense to me but whah ever lol.  They broke my water around 1130 and it was apparent baby pooped inside. They placed an internal monitor to keep an eye on his heart rate. They decided to put me on pitocin to get things moving but after 1 mL entered my bloodstream in came 10 more nurses, baby didn't like it and heart rate dropped again, below 60. Around 2 o'clock my nurse came in and checked me again and his heart rate kept going all over the place, he was putting pressure on the cord and it was causing his heart rate to drop then sky rocket. At this point I was 8-9cm 100%; So they put me on amnio fluid which was another tube inside of my vagina slowly dripping fluids into my uterus to cushion baby. My poor boyfriend is squeamish and didn't even want to cut the cord; saw these women tearing apart my vagina and felt so bad for me! Finally his heart rate was normal and she came back in at 4pm to check me I was at 10cm so she had me push to see where baby was, two pushes and I was crowning. So she said its time! Broke down the bed, in came like 15 people, boyfriend stood by me watched the whole thing and rooted me on. Pushed twice and the doctor told me "I may need to use a vacuum to get him out, his heart rate is dropping with every push. Do you want to try or should we just use it?" I wanted to try, I pushed one more time and she said THIS BABY NEEDS OUT NOW! His heart rate dropped dramatically with each contraction and with each push. The doc grabbed her vacuum one more push and he was out. Born at 4:18, labored for 9 hours pushed 3 times had a 2nd degree tear -- out came my healthy baby boy 7lbs 11 oz. Daddy ended up cutting the cord and watching the enitire thing(: Our hearts are so full; I have never felt so blessed and alive💙