
People get way too offended by everything in 2016, this is why all of our kids are whiny babies and a lot of people think that they're entitled to something just because they're different. We have to stop babying everyone that isn't a straight, white, cis male.
Some offensive jokes are funny.
No one has a privilege just for existing.
You don't have to have 100 gender identities.
POC can be racist.
White people can be racist.
Anyone can be racist and deal with racism.
Not all men are rapists, and people that aren't men can rape. 
You don't have to be a feminist to think women are equal to men.
Spanking your child once in a while for a good reason isn't abuse.
You can be a good person without treating every little issue like its the end of the world, and you can't treat every other person like they're special just because they're newly accepted in society. People are ALWAYS going to find a reason to hate you. Every person is created equal, so quit treating some people like they always need someone else's help. Just treat EVERYONE equally.