Is he caught up on his ex?

Long story short we've been together for two years, previously he was engaged before that.

He had planned a walk that he sold as romantic but it was way too hit and he got my expectations too high so I was disappointed.

When we got to the end point he slowed down and said, "I was thinking about doing a fake proposal but I figured you would have killed me."

So after it was over I expressed how I felt hurt on how he can see marriage as a joke, especially after we had a miscarriage less than two weeks ago.

He expressed how he is still reeling that his wedding date was a little less than a year ago.

He's the one that broke it off with her, two years ago, after she cheated and got herpes. Two weeks after that he met me and we started dating.

She is currently saying how he rapped her all four years of their relationship, which is completely false, I know that for a fact because we called the police for slander and she was fined.

So I'm very lost on why it would be such a big deal unless he was still caught up an her.

Anyone know of any other reason he would be like this?

Am I overreacting?

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