Ovulation confusions please help!!!

Mumma of Axel 💛 • After being together nearly 6 years me and my better half have finally got our little baby. A perfect little boy called Axel born Sunday 23rd July 2017 at 7:08am 👶💙! He is our whole world 🌎
Soo i have always had long cycles between 33-36 days, always got positive opks around Cd 19-21 but this month something made me start testing a bit earlier than normal so yesterday being Cd 9 i did one and got this result, i know its not positive yet but im betting it will be either when i wake up or day after! Is it possible i could be ovulating alot earlier than i thought or possibly have 2 lh surges? As never tested this early before and im shocked at the result help me ahaha