What is considered decreased movement?

I'm 35 and a half weeks and yesterday and today I've noticed decreased movement, but it's not to the point where I think she's completely not moving. She's had the hiccups once today for several minutes and I feel her move a little bit for 2 or 3 mins and then she stops. That's only happened like 2 or 3 times in the day. No more hard jabs or kicks.

Any clue if I should report this?

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I'm also at 35 weeks. At this point I rarely get jabs and kicks anymore. Now what I'm feeling can better be described as a rolling/rubbing sensation. My doctor says this is completely normal as baby is running out of room and moving into position. I have been instructed to count kicks 2x daily, morning and night. At least 10 kicks/movements in 1 hour or I need to call my doctor. I have notice some days baby is more active than others. Also normal I'm told as long as you are still getting 10 movements in 1 hour. Hope this helps! 


Lucy • Jun 12, 2016
the best reply!


Posted at
My doctor told me if I'm noticing decreased movement to drink something cold or sugary (like juice), lay on my side and count kicks. She told me to call if I don't get 10 movements in 2 hours. She said it's totally normal to get 10 movements all at once and then nothing for the next two hours. But call if you aren't sure! You aren't bothering anyone!! 


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I have NSTs once a week because I am high risk. I had decreased movements at one of them and they sent me to the hospital to be checked. I noticed at the one I just had that I basically had to stare at my belly to see her moving. I don't really feel her a ton but I can see her moving. I mentioned that to the nurse and she said that's totally normal and a fine way to count "kicks". At the hospital, they found she moves a whole lot more when I'm laying on my side too so keep that in mind! 


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I would bring it up if you feel uncomfortable. Me personally i dont care about what anyone else thinks im for the safety of my child. So if that means bothering you in labor and delivery or ringing your phone off the hook thats just me. But they do still slow down because they are lol running out of womb. Just make sure that to test her you drink some cold water and do some kick counts as well. We all do kick counts and sometimes we dont pay enough attention to the feeling of like wave. Or maybe a little alien. Was that them? Bu for ease of mind try doing a kick count. I drinknice cold water and he's like a alien or he's kicking me and then i leave him alone. But trust me we all worry. And it doesnt go away forever.GL


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Following 34+3 and feel exactly the same