Today has been an off day.

I've felt off all day long. No appetite. I started to be shakey so I had a plain cheese quesadilla with pico de gallo around 1230 but that's it. Shooting pain from my left hip to my ankle back up to my hip. I have had 6 bowel movements and I go at least twice a day normally. My lower back has been hurting and just all together uncomfortable. I've been drinking a lot of water because I thought maybe I was dehydrated since my Braxton hicks have been so painful they take my breath away. They aren't consistent so I know they are BH for sure. I've peed myself twice when picking something up that I had dropped. Laying or sitting down I just ache. My little girl has been fairly active today so that's made me feel better but ugh I'm only 26 weeks and feel like I should closer to due date. Just one of those days where I don't like being preggo. Thank God these days are few and far between because most days I love being pregnant so much!