Pregnancy Blues 37+5

Rinz ftm • 28, FTM, Due Date 28th June 2016 Baby Born on 13th July 2016
This pregnancy is killing me literally, it was unplanned but we were glad it happened so quick and it started with terrible nausea where I lost 4kgs in first 4 months,later from 5th it started getting better and my pelvic pain showed up in the end of 6th month, may it's because of heavy baby and I was always measuring 2 weeks ahead. My fluid levels were up so had to undergo periodic tests to conform Gestational Diabetes and by God's grace I was always negative. 8th month took a toll on me got PUPPP and it was horrible to scratch all over body and have those red marks, took anti histamines and used Grandpa pine soap bar and it was better thought I had overcome this. 9th month 37 weeks 4 days got food poisoned vomitings, motions, fever and chills along with false contractions, still recovering from that and now I itch all over again like a crazy monkey with rashes on my body. I'm so done with this pregnancy I just want the baby to press eject button and come out at any cost. I had planned for natural birth though it's very costly in our country now I really don't care how the baby wants to come out and I just want him / her to be out, can't put up with these side effects. At times I think I didn't have any major side effects but I am just done and don't think of planning any further pregnancies