When do you think I conceived?


First off, it's not like it matters! I just started getting curious today and started thinking more in detail about it.

There were only two times my husband and I could have conceived because we weren't trying for a baby! We planned on waiting a few more years, but we are so lucky to have our girl on the way!

We could have gotten pregnant on November 5th or November 13th. At our first ultrasound we were told we were 4 weeks and 3 days (due date: august 13th), that didn't match my lmp (I'm irregular and knew it probably wouldn't lol) or our possible conception dates. 3 weeks later at our next ultrasound we were told we were 8 weeks and 2 days (due date: august 7th) the first ultrasound was done by a girl who was training and the other lady didn't bother looking up from her phone. the second ultrasound was done very quickly by the same woman who was "training" and she rushed and was a total bitch about everything. So honestly I'm doubting both of the techs to an extent!

If we conceived the 5th our due date would have been around July 28th. If we conceived the 13th we would be due around the 5th (so could match for the 7th!) At our anatomy scan we were 21+2 and she weighed 15oz. Which was 76th percentile and my bump has been measuring farther ahead by a week and a half or so (which i know can be inaccurate!!) and he is sending us for a growth scan to check her weight on the 21st.

I'm not really concerned with what is our actual due date because I know she will come when she is good and ready! But if she is measuring big he is considering c-section (only if she looks to be 9 or 10 pounds because I'm 4'10) but I don't want it to only be because we're actually farther along! I am still going to go off our most recent date (august 7th) unless my doctor tells me otherwise. But I'd love to hear your thoughts! :)

Oh and forgot to put, previous months (like June through august) my cycle was regular again and 30 days each month. In September I was 37 days but I was extremely stressed because of our wedding and honeymoon lol if we conceived the 5th it was close to a 28/30 day cycle and if it was the 13th it was close to a 37 day cycle! I took one test on the 17th of November and it was negative (but would have been a few days before my period was due) and got my bfp on November 28th!