Should I go to the doctor?

Erica • 21. Single Mommy. Isaiah Ethan ~ Born July 15th, 2016

Hey mommies.

I need some brief advice, I never know when I should head into to the doctor.

I am 33 weeks today.

I know swelling is very common. But this is a bit different, it's only my right foot. It's very swollen around my ankle and where the arch of my foot is. It looks almost bruised in a few spots. It hurts very very bad to step on. It started Friday afternoon. I was suggesting to drink lots of water, "walk it out" and gently massage it..been doing all of that. Though it seems to be getting worse. Hurts almost too bad to touch.

My left foot is perfectly fine, not swollen at all.

Should I go in to get it checked out?