Prenatals Poll- Is your prenatal raw, plant based, & talc free?

Do you care if your prenatals are raw food based? Do you care if they have talc or glazes in them? I ask because I am searching for a plant based, vegan, raw prenatal that has no talc or glaze and the only one I've found is Garden of Life. But they have you take one THREE times a day! That seems like a lot to me. And it's like $40 (normally $60) on Amazon for I think a 180 count. So roughly two months worth. Not terrible but still expensive. Anyone else research these things?! Lol I'm a big research buff and like to only take supplements that I've researched and am confident in. But I want a one-a-day kind of prenatal that doesn't have crap in it!! 
I also liked Best Nest Wellness prenatals but they have talc and glaze!! Like what the heck?!

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