So angry!

My husband and I are currently on a weekend trip to Los Angeles. We live in San Francisco and we're pregnant with our first child. My aunt and uncle are friends with me on FB, yesterday they made a comment to my dad that while he's working really hard, my husband and I are enjoying ourselves and that my dad shouldn't bring it up to my mom. First of, my mom already knows because she's friends with me on FB... Secondly my husband and I paid for our entire trip; the last time we went to LA we paid for our trip. We live in my grandma's in law and we pay rent for doing so. We don't mooch off my dad. My parents are retired! My mom is sick of their commentary as well and says it's a double standard because my cousins (their sons) can do what they want. Mind you my cousin travels abroad at least once a year with his gf and the Mercedes he owns was brought by my aunt and uncle. This isn't the first time they've said this kind of shit...
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So tell them to fuck off and unfriend them.


💞 💘 • Jun 12, 2016
rite they need to mind their business. .... I would call her n tell her. I love u aunt and uncle but u need to stay out of my business.