Cervical HPV

Hi guys,
I've just been diagnosed with high risk HPV on my cervix.. 
My question is, because I have it there does it mean I will also have oral HPV? 
Searched Google and can't find an answer anywhere. 
Hope you guys can shed some light.. 
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HPV is NOT the same thing as herpes. 


Posted at
I just mean, it states you can pass in on through oral sex. If both myself and my partner have it, does it mean we could have it in our mouths too because we've had oral sex? Or am I getting this all wrong lol 


Posted at
Yes you can. I was diagnosed with high risk hpv and had a leep. My doc said that it is a possible symptom.


Posted at
You could, but there's no way to test for oral hpv. Although I've heard that oral hygiene plays a big part in how fast/whether your body clears it.


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Are you confused with herpes