So me and this guy had sex and have been dating for 2 months... He's 29... I'm 16... I just told my mom that I like him and he likes me and that we were dating and my mom flipped called my dad(they are separated) and now I've been having my phone taken away and everything else.... (FYI he took my virginity! I was so happy to give it to him tho) we have a deep connection and trust me it's nothing pervy... I promise! Not saying I'm naive about it but let's just say I'm on the aware... I really love him and he loves me and he is working and has been gone for 3weeks and doesn't get back until August... My dad called him and told him if he tries to contact me or me him he will throw him in jail... But he doesn't even know we had sex or even kissed let alone even hung out... For all he knows we were only dating without any physical contact... But before I told my mom I bought lingerie, gold rings with in graves on them, and have had pictures framed, photo albums made, I got him a shirt, candles bought, and a lot of other cute things done( which he loves! He thinks it's the sweetest thing...) but we have not used the lingerie because he's been gone and I haven't given him the rings.., all I have given him was the framed photo, and the photo album... But lately ever since we haven't been talking ( it been 3days) I have had such a high sex drive!!! I can't! Even!! I wanna have sex with him when he gets back( I promise we're safe) but I don't wanna risk him gettin caught... We promised we'd be with each other again in two years... Knowing that broke both of our hearts... What do I do about the sex thing... I don't wanna have sex with other guys cause I wanna wait for him... Any advice?