Pcos and first cycle of iui

Let me start off by saying I lost my vCard when I was 12 (yes very young I was too curious) and told my mom immediately after because I was scared (from the blood sorry tmi) she decided to take me to see my pcp which after speaking with my mother decided to put me on bc even tho I had yet to even get my first menstrual cycle at all. I feel in turn being on bc without having my own period led to me having Pcos somehow which I found out I had in 2009 when I was 17 and was having pelvic pain so I got an ultrasound and was told I had pcos. I still do not menstruate on my own unless I am on bc or taking provera and I am now 23 years old. I have been married for 2 yrs but have been with my husband for 8 years, he's 27yrs old. We had been trying everything we could find on google or in articles  to get pregnant for about 4 years on our own and now have the perfect insurance to cover fertility treatments. I have done one cycle of letrozole which was a dud, my body showed no reaction to it aside from terrible acne. Now I'm preparing to start my first cycle of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> using gonal f since my RE doesn't think letrozole would work for me seeing as I don't menstruate on my own. Sorry for the long post I just need some words of encouragement because don't you need AF to happen to get pregnant?