Baby boy is here. Born on 6/12/16

I was scheduled for an induction for Tuesday at 5 am. I would have been 39+5. But my little giy had other plans. Saturday I began seeing a lot of wet brown come out of me so I came over to L&D. Wherr they checked to see if my water had broke, it did not. But I began to feel contractions which I wasn't feeling upon arrival. They checked my cervix and after 4 long weeks of being at 1cm & 30% effaced I had made changes to 2cm & 60% effaced. It was clear I was in the early stages of labor so I was sent home to labor there.  I went home walked 3 miles and did 100 squats before showering and settling down for the night. The contractions then slowed down but increased in intensity. Around 4:30 I had been woken by some pretty intense ones. So I got myself out of bed. Walked another mile and did about 45 squats & then woke hubby to tell him we would be going back to the hospital that the pains were becoming intense. We arrived to L&D a little before 7am and was called in shortly after. My contractions were every 5-6 minutes apart but were super strong. At a little after 9am They finally sent someone to come in and check my cervix to determine whether I was in active labor or not. Surely I was. I was now 4cm and 80% effaced. It took a long while before they got me a room. And by the time I did get one it was due to the fact that I just couldn't bare the pain of the contractions anymore and would only take epidural had I been situated in my room. They rolled me into my delivery suite and checked my progress which was now 6cm & 100%. They quickly got the anesthesiologist (who may I add was GREAT) and he got me comfortable very quickly. After about 2 hours the epidural was not doing anything for the pressure which caused a weird pain (down below) during contractions. I had to start to tough those out. I pretty much became stuck at 6cm. They decided to give me pitocin. In 2 hrs I had only progressed to a 7. So finally they broke my water and things moved along quickly. 2 & 1/2 hours later I was ready to push. My baby boy arrived exactly 20 minutes after pushing and was born 6/12/16 @ 6:24pm. He weighed 9Lbs and measured 21.5 inches long. Boy oh boy am I in love. I cannot wait until his big sister (almost 2) meets him today. I am love struck all over again!!!