Why are my ovulation strips either faint or nothing at all? Period is due in 12 days.

I have been testing since last Wednesday 8/6. I have had only very, very faint LH or nothing at all, I have mostly been testing twice a day 1 about midday and next one later in day so about 8pm ish. According to Glow and another fertility app I should have ovulated already, and now out of my fertility window. I always get CM in my knickers, and I can always feel it (sorry to be gross) but this is first month I recall not seeing it feeling CM in knickers. I have been putting fingers inside to feel and see what my CM is like on fingers, and I've been wet, a little bit like egg white/glue. But nothing like what it's normally like every month. 
It's our first month TTC so really want us to conceive. 
Any help would be appreciated.