Period Horse riding

I skipped a horse riding lesson today because I got my period for the first time ever. I'm feeling a bit uneasy about going can somebody with experience tell me what to do??
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I've been riding since I was 8. I started my period at 10/11. I'd skip days when I had really bad cramps but other than that I always went. I was a competitive jumper as well so I did find that pads didn't work. Either you could see them through my breeches or they'd rip due to all the moving around on the horse. So I always used tampons and a pantry liner while riding. Now I use a menstral cup. But if it's your first period you're probably not too comfortable with tampons so I'd say stick to pads for now- just a note: the pads would rip but everything stayed in my panties. So it was never an issue (I would recommend black breeches though!)


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I ride, a lot, and I used to use tampons. I've always hated pads. I use a cup now. There's no problem with riding while on your period, what are you worried about?


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For me, I started riding when I was 3, and never skipped a lesson. I do dressage though, and that doesn't require much movement unlike jumping. It really depends. I wear white breeches all the time, and with a pad I've never had any staining. You just have to use exercise pads or just thick ones that won't tip easily when you're jumping. Exercise does ease the cramps. Even though I've never actually had cramps, my friends all say that. Just maybe stay away from the stable dogs if your stables have any, those will smell it immediately and just stick to you the whole time, and it's a little uncomfortable.


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I horseback ride at least once every week. I feel your pain😂 I always wear pads and I'm usually able to go. That is, unless it's one of the few times that I get major cramping. So I would recommend just wearing a pad and go unless you are already really uneasy and/or in a lot of pain. Good luck!


Posted at
The cup is the greatest invention for any physically active girl/woman. I have been riding since I was 6 and I'm 32 now. Before the cup I used tampons and a pad , but that isn't all that fun. I never missed lessons because of it though. Maybe tmi , but I remember "changing" in a stall.. Lol. Believe in the cups!!


Lindsey • Jun 14, 2016
Diva cup or Luna cup. They're awesome!


Danielle • Jun 14, 2016
Menstrual cup.


Kylee • Jun 14, 2016
cups for like baseball?


Posted at
Use dark clothes and a thick pad at first, than go for tampons. I've been riding since I'm 5 years, now I'm 22 and started period about 10 years ago. My problem with the pads were they shifted away. I couldn't use tampons so I ended up with not riding but doing other things with the horse (not familiar with the english horsey vocabs 😓). 


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Dark colored pants and whatever period protection your most comfortable with. I work for a trainer so I'm with horses for 10+ hours a day, period days included. It's not always easy or clean but it's not the worst thing ever. 


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I ride too! I never miss a lesson from my period tho, it's hard at first, but trust me it gets better. If your western wear jeans! I wear jeans English too when I'm on my period.