It happened so fast!

My Birth Story!
We were scheduled to be induced at 8am on 6/15/16 (one day before my due date)..
This morning (6/14/16) I was awaken by trickles of fluid enough to soak my underwear I thought holy crap did my water just break? I get up quickly and grab a wipe to wipe myself only to find a lot of blood. I wake my husband up and I say "babe I think my water broke" and I show him the wipe he quickly gets up without hesitation gets our 4 year old son ready who says "baby is coming? Mami is baby coming? Are you okay?" And my husband says yes baby is coming.. I'm in the bathroom peeing and more blood gushes out like a period I'm frightened because my first pregnancy was nothing like this.. I call my mother and tell her what's going on and that we will be dropping Liam off so we can head to the hospital. My contractions since Friday has been 10 mins apart and still no change. We arrive at the hospital at 9:30 and I tell the nurse what happened she inserts a speculum and says "wow that's a lot of blood I can't even see your cervix" at this point I'm like what what do you mean? She takes the speculum out and takes out a blood clot enough to fill the beak of the speculum. Now i am really freaking out and again I ask what does this mean!? She says I don't know but I'm going to check your cervix. She checks and I'm 5cm 80% effaced.. "Well we are admitting you because you're definitely having a baby today!" I quickly become scared and again ask why am I bleeding so much? She says I'm not sure but I'm going to send it to the lab for testing She sends the clot to the lab and about an hour later she says I might have a placental abruption.. I ask her "does this mean I'm going to have a C section?" Not necessarily she replies.. They monitor me for an hour and a half. At close to noon I am transferred to a labor and delivery room my doctor's partner checks me and says there's nothing to worry about baby is doing fine and she believes I might have a placental abruption but that I will be monitored she encourages me to get the epidural now and I say okay.. My plan was to wait for 6cm but my husband said no get it now so I did. I'm still 5cm 80 effaced. 3 hours go by and no change oh my water never even broke at all.. Another doctor comes in and says we are going to break your water and give you pitocin to speed things up a bit. I was feeling contractions 10 minutes apart and mild the kind you can just breathe through similar to what  I've been feeling all weekend.. at 3:53 they checked me I was still 5cm 80% effaced at 3:57 they break my water, at 4:06 they give me pitocin and omg the contractions went from 10 mins to 7 mins to 5 mins to 1 min in matter of seconds  I kept feeling so much pressure and uncomfortability so I tell my husband to get the nurse the nurse then calls the anesthesiologist who then asks me "how is your pain to which I reply "are you kidding me!? Are you really asking me that right now!? (Crying in pain) I tell him what's going on and he gives me a higher dose of epidural.. No change im still in freaking pain more like pressure to push!!! The nurse comes in and says let me check you.. It's 4:30 and she says wow you're going to have a baby you're fully dilated! My husband said 😳😳😳 what!? I don't believe it! She was just 5cm 30 mins ago.." They quickly prepare everything for the baby and call a bunch of nurses and 2 doctors.. I'm feeling so much pressure and the need to push.. The nurse who last checked me says turn on your side and rock it'll help which omg it did except I really needed to push after 4 pushes the nurse says take out your hands and grab your baby to pull her out I said "hell nooo just take her out!!! At the final push at 4:57pm weighing 6lbs 11oz 19in long she was out And crying and then I started crying and I couldn't believe how fast it all happened.. When I delivered the placenta there was indeed signs of abruption but very small.
Welcome to the world My baby girl Aria Luna Ortiz my second love!