They gave me gel at 840

They gave me gel at 840. Broke my water around 1140. The real contractions started at 12. I asked for drugs at 1245 and then my body naturally started pushing her out lmao and she fell out at 1 on the dot lmao so.. No drugs hahaha at least none that had time to work hahaha. It was crazy. They couldn't believe it. 2 contractions and she was out. Well the contractions came on So fast and so strong that I actually thought I was being ridiculous and being a baby and then when she gave me the nubain finally she noticed when I had a contraction that I was baring down and pushing involuntarily. That was at 1245 and it took them about 10 minutes to get prepared and I pushed twice for 4 minutes total and she was out. But yeah they couldn't believe my body was pushing on its own so at 1249 they spread my legs and checked me and were like holy shit.. I was 10 cm and you could see her hahaha. Literally 2 big pushes. One was her head and one was the rest of her body. Haha.