Elective c section

Hey ladies so I wanted to know your thoughts, my ex boyfriend a guy I thought would be the one I would end up with, well we locked together and we're together for 2 years he ended up cheating on me and to make a long story short, also gave me herpes. Well anyways now, I'm about to have my baby I am 35 weeks pregnant ( with someone else's baby) and my doctor just explained to me my options. I will be given medicine now towards the end to prevent an outbreak, I can have a vaginal birth if there's no outbreaks BUT I could still have it active and not see the outbreaks, so if the baby passes through that there a number of consequences and horrible things that doctor said could happen to the baby, but also there's that chance that the medicine could be working and really I have nothing present at the moment of birth. My other option was to have a c section, and well no run with any chances, and just deliver her safely. I wanted to have a normal labor so bad and was never for c sections but now I feel like that's my only option. Thoughts?