Getting some help with cleaning the house?

D • Mama of 2,lost an angel, waiting on number 4💘💓💘 married-blessed💓
So basically my husband suggested me to get some help with the house, we moved into a pretty big house a while ago and its just really stressful to clean everything because we have a 5 year old and a 8 month old and I'm 24 weeks pregnant so this is just stressing me out, I never really wanted a cleaning lady that just looks like I can't handle my own household and family myself but its just getting harder and harder and the house is really too big for me to handle with the kids and my husband had his surgery a few weeks ago and is staying at home, he does help me so much but I dont want him to either I just want him to rest but do you think I should get a cleaning lady?
Its annoying that like I promised myself I will not end up like all those Hollywood moms all around us in our new neighborhood, we're not from here we worked our way up here so its weird but now I really need some help I don't know what to do...