I don't know what's worse, gender disappointment or...

I went in for the anatomy scan yesterday and the technician ran over the crotch area multiple times... My husband and I didn't see anything. But when he actually tried to look (at the end) the baby was resting. It's face was buried in the placenta and it's butt was sitting on my cervix. I asked if I could turn on my side, he said he doubts that would make a difference. The baby started moving and we got face shots, why didn't he try to see the butt again? He really upset me. My baby had hiccups yesterday and I told my husband it had hiccups the tech was all "that's just movements".. bitch, excuse me.. but I've been pregnant before and I know hiccups on an ultrasound when I see them. I could have done his job better than he did! So now... I am driving an hour out of town, and paying $60 on my husband's next day off to find out what we're having because it's driving me insane not knowing! I don't know what's worse.. but I'm thinking this is. :( sorry for the pissy rant, just sad.