Different countdowns

KDee • Tried for almost 5 years, with every test and almost every fertility procedure, until I finally started telling the doctors which tests to do. Hoping this rainbow baby makes it and stays!

Things change after loss. What I didn't expect was a difference in countdowns. Most women count down to their due dates. Maybe their ultrasounds, or doctor visits, but mostly it's a countdown to delivery.

I count down to viability markers. First, 8 weeks when they can see a heartbeat. Then countdown to 12 weeks when the Placenta should be in place. Then 14 weeks when the first trimester officially ends. Now, each week I count down until 24 weeks (exactly 2 weeks to to), when babe has the first possible chance of being viable outside the womb. I keep telling myself after each stage I can relax. But then I get there and there is some other marker.

Have you guys found yourselves counting down differently, too?