Is it wierd that don't want to have kids?

Alright so I'm 20 years old, have a job that I absolutely love and at the moment just loving life! I recently came to the decision that I don't want kids. The way I see it, kids are REALLY expensive. I mean most of my friends have kids at this point and when I go shopping with them for groceries or clothes, that stuff really racks up. And also sleep, of course I'm not a mom but babies wake up a lot especially newborns and when they becomes toddlers and can walk around they REALLLLLLLY like to you up at the ass crack of dawn.

If anything, if I do decide I'd like to have kids, I'd want to adopt. I mean, you get to bring a child into your home and really give them the loving family they deserve.

And let's be real here, if I want biological kids lord help all