11 weeks 6 days

Is it normal to be showing this much already? I'm only 11 weeks 6 days! I feel massive and it's hard keeping a secret when you look fat! 😂
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Posted at
Had my scan today! I'm actually only 11 weeks 2 days & I thought I was 12 weeks 2 days! - only one baby just a big belly! Xx 


Aja • Jun 24, 2016
Super cute! Congrats💕👶🏻💕


Posted at
Are you maybe just bloated? I thought I was "showing" like you, but I've gained maybe 2 lbs, and when my doctor checked me early this week, she said she couldn't even feel my uterus yet. It's all stomach issues due to hormones. I'm so self conscious, and my clothes don't fit :(


Posted at
Have you had an ultrasound yet? What if it's twins!!🙈🙈 lol looking adorable though!


J • Jun 19, 2016
I'm having twins and I look like that at 9 weeks. Especially after I eat! 😓


Leah • Jun 18, 2016
My scan is on Tuesday!


Posted at
Im trying to keep mine a secret for a lil longer and i have a lil tummy thought with the little weight i gained prepregnant i would be able to hide but nope it shows very clear ill be 12 weeks tmrw. 


Posted at
Me just now at 12+1. Excuse the KFC bathroom. Lol. 


Posted at
I'm 11 weeks today and this was last Friday so I guess so. My doctor told me it's normal for girls with a smaller frame. He's my fiancé's uncle so he knew how tiny I was before I was pregnant 


Leah • Jun 19, 2016
I do have a small frame! So maybe that's why, have my scan Tuesday! Eek xx


Posted at
I'm def bloated and evenings are worse. 10 weeks today. This is my second pregnancy and I started out 30lb lighter than my last pregnancy. We are announcing on the 4th of July... So 2 more weeks... Eek! Gonna get harder and harder to hide! :)


Posted at
Good luck


Posted at
I'm 11 weeks 4 days and have about the same thing. It comes and goes, though. I think a lot of it is bloat! 


Posted at
I have a little bloat/baby bump too, especially after I eat!!