Have any other mommies out there had to deal with this syndrome?? I was 39 weeks pregnant, and had the best pregnancy a person could ask for! However the Monday before my due date started not feeling well, couldn't eat or drink, has bad  diaherria the night before and started to vomit. I went to hospital and started getting extreme pains, and went into contractions, was admitted, given fluids and some pain meds, checked my urine and blood, contractions stopped, but was sent home with a "stomach bug". Couldn't get out of bed the Tuesday, Wednesday felt ok. Thursday, my due date, woke up and said "today I am having the baby" as my stomach started cramping. Started getting sick again so doctor said so back to hospital. They re ran tests, admitted me and said I would be induced tomorrow. Was in extreme pain so they have me pain meds.
An hour later, I was told the baby had to come out then. My liver was expanded and was at risk of rupture, my platelets were dangerously low, I had protein in my blood, I was at risk of seizures. To top it off, I had to be completely knocked out during emergency c section because I ran a risk of my blood clotting and DH was NOT allowed in room because it had to be as sterile as possible. It was the scariest moment of my life. 
After wards I found out I had HELLP syndrome and that 25 percent of woman who have this Actually die. I consider myself so lucky, but am so scared at the same time. How did my doctor not know I had this? I keep stressing over the fact I could of died or that I could of lost my baby after a perfect pregnancy. I tried to talk to DH about this and he does not understand at all. I feel very alone. 
However, on a positive note, I have an adorable 9+lb DS who I absolutely love.