I'm late and nervous

Hey guys need some advice!!! I have been told repeatedly that I will not be able to get pregnant I am 26 years old and have tried everything but <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a>. My boyfriend and I have been together a year now he has 4 kids of his own (and don't want anymore) . I just started school for my rn and I am 2 days late for my period... for the first time in my life I've had regular periods on my own without taking bc and stuff to make me start and my periods have been on time or a day early this whole year. On June 5th (my birthday) I spotted some it was time for me to ovulate and we had sex and you can figure the rest. I wanna take a test but I'm to nervous cause I want it to be positive so badly and don't want the disappointment of ANOTHER negative. Wat should I do wait and see if I start or take one now