Pregnant with Step MIL

My husband and I are expecting our second baby(yay!) and even tho I am only seven weeks we decided to announce to his father and stepmom because we are very close. We met them at Waffle House for breakfast and our two year old daughter ran in with a shirt I made for her that said "Best Sister Ever" on the front. When they noticed what it said their eyes got big and they were very shocked but excited for us. So we happy chat for a few minutes then sit down to order some food. After we order my FIL says "Sooo this family is going to get a lot bigger". I kind of figured he was going to say she was pregnant because we knew they had been trying for a while. But never would I have predicted him saying they were having TWINS. I was floored. It took a lot to push the happiness in front of my feelings of unimportance and overshadowing. We have our first ultrasound on the 27th and now I feel like I HAVE to have twins or nobody will even notice my baby. I love my mother in law and was immediately excited to be pregnant with her, but I'm not so sure anymore. Is it selfish of me to feel this way?