Has anyone shot a gun (indoor) while pregnant?

After all this crazy crap going on and being pregnant with my first child, I decided I needed to purchase a gun for protection for myself and my family. I went to an indoor range and split two cases of ammo with my husband, less than an hour and washed my hands right after. So my question is was this harmful to my baby? I'm currently 9+2 and was told by someone lead exposure and the noise exposure isn't good. The noise im iffy about but the lead....eh. I'm just curious is anyone has been pregnant and gone to and indoor shooting range and been fine.
*Please leave rude comments somewhere else :)
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Yes at an indoor range. 


Jessica • Jun 21, 2016
Oh you will be fine. Where long sleeve and if need be shooter gloves.


Aryn • Jun 20, 2016
My baby is too young to go deaf from it. I don't believe the noise thing anyways! But the lead I didn't think about! I think I'm over reacting as this is my first baby and it took a while to conceive. Thank you :)


Jessica • Jun 20, 2016
Yea. Baby is fine. I was shooting shotguns and everything! Are you worried that your baby is going to deaf? The amniotic fluid muffles a lot of noise. Have you ever heard a gun shot when your underneath water.? It sounds like someone probably knocked a chair over. A slight bang.


Posted at
Pls just make sure you put the gun in a safe place where none of your kids will ever be able to get. I see such horrible stories. I understand your need and want for protection, don't take me wrong. I am just genuinely trying to give the only advice I can, even though I'm sure you already thought about it, is never too much to emphasise it.


Aryn • Jun 20, 2016
I completely understand. When I was 12 or so my friend almost shot me by accident because her mom didn't keep their guns secure so I am going to make the extra point to make sure it's 110% secure!


Posted at
I haven't been to an indoor shooting range but my grandfather is big on hunting and shooting in general so we're almost always at the outdoor range when we visit him. I've not been advised against it until I reached a certain point, 23 weeks I believe, and that was due to the possible damage that could be done due to noise. My OB never mentioned anything about the lead though and I never bothered washing up afterwards. My little bub and I will be entering the third trimester tomorrow and everything has been going perfectly so far. ☺️


Posted at
Woohoo! I have no idea if you should be shooting while pregnant or not, but good for you on buying a gun and getting some practice in!! :)


Em • Jun 21, 2016
guns are great in the hands of trained, responsible owners!! and congrats on the baby, hope its going well. I'm 11+1 today.


Aryn • Jun 21, 2016
Haha! Thank you! I live in Orlando and we've had 3 shootings in a week. I think it's time to get some protection for myself and my family! :) and it makes me feel like a bad ass!


Posted at
You should talk to your doctor because once you get to a certain point I think it is maybe around 17 weeks certain decibels are harmful to babies developing hearing. My family are Avid Marksmaen and I avoided all shooting while pregnant. Indoor will also amplify the noise FYI.


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I always wait until I give birth to go back to shooting 😁


Aryn • Jun 20, 2016
I didn't even think of it until after, I've never been to a shooting range. It was my first time.


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Ask your doctor in case but I shot my gun up until the day before my daughter was born. Both indoor and outdoor. 


Aryn • Jun 20, 2016
I only went once so I am thinking I should be ok! But you can never be too safe!


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I've been shooting while pregnant and my doctor told me that if I am going to do so (he advised against) he said to make sure I wash up to my elbows with COLD water and soap so that I don't open my pores and expose myself to lead. He also said to cover my mouth and nose. Just be very vey cautious when washing. There's no such thing as too clean. But I went shooting 6 or 7 times when I was pregnant with my son and he came out perfectly healthy :) hope this helps. 


Aryn • Jun 20, 2016
I'm not sure I will go again until after I give birth, but I have never shot and my husband was looking into getting myself a handgun for my birthday for protection, so he wanted to ensure I could shoot one. Lol thanks for the insight!


Posted at
I've been out shooting with mine. Granted it was outside, but I didn't wash up afterwards. Baby is just fine. Personally I think it's a bunch of hog wash, and we all should be able to practice regardless of being pregnant or not. I know several women who have been pregnant playing drums who made more racket (I wasn't a fan), for longer periods of time than my shooting ever did. Kids turned out fine. In fact they went to sleep when they started playing. 


Aryn • Jun 20, 2016
I think the noise part is BS. I'm just curious to the lead part. Thank you for for insight! :)


Posted at
My doctor said absolutely not due to lead levels. Have to wait till after