Was about to call 911

I have no idea what happened!!! 
My husband and I had sex this afternoon and shortly after sex my uterus started to cramp up. I went to lay down to let the cramps calm down, but they didn't. I am not exaggerating when I say this was by far the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. I some how made my way to the bathroom where I about collapsed on the floor. Thankfully I was close to the garbage can where I started to throw up. I had to call for my husband it pick me up off the floor. It was then that I noticed I was bleeding.. It was as if I was on my period, but this was fresh hot clean blood with no blood clots. (My period ended two days ago) 
My husband laid me down in our bed where I laid hysterically crying for two hours. I have never dealt with a pain so intense. I couldn't even sit up to take medicine.  My husband kept asking what he should do and I was very tempted to tell him to call an ambulance. I was so cold and light headed, not to mention experiencing the worst pain I've ever had. But I decided not to call them. I would be embarrassed.
What the heck was going on with me??  Has anyone else ever experienced this?  
I am slightly better now, but still in pain. 😞