Friends vs. Family

I'm 38 weeks and due on July 4th! I have a lot of anxiety surrounding my labor because this is the first grandchild on both sides. First I need to say I'm very blessed to have family that wants to be so involved, but it's to the point of giving me very high stress. I don't have a great relationship with my family, and they live 3 hours away which is great for us. My husbands family lives a little closer (which i know my parents are jealous of also) so they are only 1.5 hours away.
My friends have been my rock throughout this pregnancy!! They are with me day in and day out. They are always concerned about me and offer to help in so many ways. In more ways than one, I would rather have my friends around during labor than family. I feel that my friends are there for ME, and that the family is only there for the BABY. This makes sense to all my friends, but my husband can't seem to understand how I feel. I'm guessing it's something only I would experience since I'm the one carrying the baby. I wasn't even pregnant for 5 minutes when my mother-in-law was telling me about all the baby stuff she's going to get for her house, car seat, etc. which is totally unnecessary since we don't live that far away and honestly I don't want to leave the baby over there?? My parents are the same way. This is why I feel like our families only care about the baby and her getting here and nothing else. I feel so much love and support from my friends, but not family. All they care about is the baby.
 Our families are constantly bombarding me with messages about how far I'm dilated, they get way over excited and dramatic about everything, and my personality is just not like that. I'm not sure how much I can take! My personality is very chill, I don't try and get my hopes up or get too excited about anything, and I just can't handle all their excitement. Anyone else deal with this or feel like this? How did you handle family excitement  when the baby was born?? Honestly I just want to be left alone so my husband and I can have some time to ourselves with the baby! I'm not looking forward to the boundaries discussion...