People always giving others a hard ass time

Courtnie • I am 22 and I'm a Mother of a healthy happy lovable 2yr old son . && I'm expecting my second prince 7.14.16 💝
I am beyond stressed from one thing to the next! If I could have gone back and had the money I would've definitely token a plan b and wouldn't be in the situation... I'm due in less than two weeks now and I'm having my second csection the problem is I have no help with my oldest son which he is almost two. No I don't have my dad anymore no he definitely doesn't have his or anyone on his dad side and I stay where I don't have family and no he isn't in daycare yet. All I wanted for my mom to do was get my child and go home to rest and bring him the next morning to see his mom and brother but she's acting as if it's so damn hard to do!!! I'll the on the first floor and it's hard for you to hold his hand and walk to my room?? Really pisses me off!!! I understand my toddler can be a hand full as in a boy but he's not that hard to handle I'm sure someone had worst than me... Anyway I been at a point where I don't want no one even in the room not her not the child father or his mosey ass family members after all they only there to see what the baby looks like and get a blood test which idc all I want is to see my son. I'm so upset I told my mom to just stay home I don't even want her there and I meant it bc my family never helps me always been that way even before I had kids. I'm the only child so I have no one to lean on for support nor help so anyway I don't need the negative comments bc I will go back off on you!!! I just want to know is there anyone else in my situation that's delivering or having a csection and bc you had no assistance with your other child or children how long did you stay in the hospital??? If I have a choice I'll just rather have him that morning and leave the next day. I just want to see and hold my baby idc if e are apart even just a day I'm going to be sad without his energy and smile