Belly binding... Whose done it, and your opinions?

So I'm a bit of a hippie at heart and I'm looking into Bengkung belly binding after birth. There's a lot
Of corset like products or there but after some research the Bengkung method seems to be the most well rounded and historic method I've found. It totes benefits of reshaping the mom, while helping her organs and womb find their natural places in the body again. I've also heard that wrapping your hips and abdomin help new mothers fell secure internally... This is my first child and I guess they're referring to your torso feeling loose and organs out of whack...they recommend wrapping for 40-120 days post partum.
I'm wondering who has done any sort of binding, your results and if you can wear it to bed? It's recommended to wear it 8-10 hours a day and while I don't see myself being too busy out the house at first I don't want to feel home bound because of it (the wraps aren't as discrete as the corsets) 
Thanks ladies, excited to hear some of your opinions on this!