C-Section Possibility

Kari • 👼🏻Nevaeh Ann & 👶🏻Chase ❤️
I've seen SO many "I almost died after my c-section/Did die and came back after my c-section" posts on FB (I don't follow baby groups or anything which is weird) here, and a couple other sites. Yah it was scary to read and happy everyone was okay after, but then yesterday my doctor said that I MAY have to have one because baby Chase is measuring on the larger side (7lbs and head measuring at 40w as of last Thursday [Today I am 35.3] I also got diagnosed with GD reaaaaally late into my pregnancy.. Which I am sure doesn't help with the initial growth- but the sugars are under control.
Naturally, I got a little weirded out. Read stories on what it's like. Made me realize how much I want to try and deliver naturally. I have wide set hips and my entire lower half had relaxed a lot more than usual (physical therapist suggested that is why I was in so much pain from 2nd trimester on) so I am confident I could do it and his shoulders not get stuck but I know some doctors won't even consider you trying to push. 
We won't assess further until my 38w appt so here's to hoping his growth slows down enough and he comes before my induction date! I know the drug you up and I know you don't feel anything I get that- but I'm a bleeder and after my D&E I had done last summer after we lost our daughter, they changed my bedding in recovery 4 times within short amount of time before I went back to my room. I am so terrified that with my luck something will happen to me and my boyfriend and son lose me. DRAMATIC I know but- a lot of people think that way and get scared..
Who's had one and what was it like for you?