Too late to breastfeed ???

Is it too late to breastfeed?? My baby is almost 3 weeks old and has been bottle fed. I didn't breastfeed in the hospital because there were some complications and I wanted to try but couldn't and now I'm feeling better but I don't know if I'm producing enough milk or its all gone now ?? She latches on but only for a bit so I feel like there's not enough milk. 
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Just keep putting her on as often as possible, and before you offer her anything else. Can you hear her swallowing when she's on? If she is, then she's definitely getting something and the more you put her on the more milk you'll make. When she comes off, try pumping right after to so your breasts think they're still feeding.


Alisia • Jun 21, 2016
This is exactly what I was going to say. Always offer breast first, and do it when she whimpers (before she starts wailing), then pump right after. Good for you for still wanting to try!


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I think if you just keep bringing baby to the breast, even if she only latches for a few minutes... It will trigger your body to start producing milk. I would probably still feed her formula until you know your milk supply has come in .... You can try pumping too I between feedings to jump start the milk supply. Good luck!!!