Job interview!

Grace • cant wait to meet my little lady 🎀
So I'm 20 weeks and was just able to get a job last week because I've been so sick with HG up until now, but I was training at a restaurant as a waitress and it was too much on my body and I had to call in sick once, showed up late another time, and finally ended up passing out and vomitting on the job on like my 4th day. Needless to say I had to quit haha. But we are really struggling for money and I know I'll be able to hold a job as long as it isn't physically demanding. So right now a receptionist job is about all I'm looking at, which I haven't been too excited about. UNTIL! I found the perfect job. So it is a receptionist type job for this AWESOME fundraising company that raises money for homeless shelters, food pantries, low income pregnant ladies, foster kids-- I want to work here SO BAD! I've always wanted to work for a giving company like this and it is perfect for where I'm at right now, easy on me physically, super flexible hours and if I decide I want full time they offer full benefits and the pay is decent. I have an interview later this week and I can't wait!!