I'm pregnant and considering adoption. I'm extremely young age 14

I understand having a baby is demanding financially , physically , and mentally. I'm such a sucker for babies and I would love and care for my child with all my heart. I have a loving boyfriend and family and also his family but whilst being in school I can't rely on them to help out with things. I really would like to keep my own child but I'm not sure. Abortion is not the right choice I couldn't be more against it killing life. So my only option left was adoption. I think it's great giving families who can't conceive have an opportunity to have a baby. But I don't think I could deal with having to be pregnant with my child for nine months and give it to another couple and miss out on all the wonderful things as a mother should see even if i am 15 at the time. I'm so stuck what should I do your opinions would really help me!!