Need some help

Theresa 🌙 • Hippy dippy mama. 😌
My oldest will be 2 in August. 
Being that, I literally have ALL HIS STUFF. Except newborn to 6m clothes which we are already stocking up on. 
This being said. Mil wants to have a baby shower. I don't and always heard that's not the right thing to do. Mil also suggested having a day 3 weeks after my little is due for people to come over and hold and touch my little. I'm not feeling this idea at all. Anyone have a baby in Jan and had people touching them? I'm a bit crazy over my kids getting sick. My oldest has asthma so from newborn we were always in the hospital until a few months ago when we finally got it managed. Am I wrong for saying no? That we can wait a few MONTHS after little is born?