Could I be pregnant?

I I'm 3 days late.. On cycle day 38 when I'm usually 35. I took a test 3 days ago but negative! I have noooo signs of period. 
Usually in these last few months my breasts would hurt sooooo much before getting my period. They feel absolutely normal now. 
I've been nauseous. I got sick on cycle day 30 as in throwing up and feeling sick to my stomach (loose bm) then by night time I was fine. I've been having little twinges on my left side nothing like cramps. I've also been having very vivid dreams these past three nights. Lower abdomin feels very firm. Frequent ruination & today I've been very light headed. 
Does this sound promising ?  
Still carring a pad in my purse incase that sneaky bitch decides to show herself 😒😂