What does it mean to have excessive cm discharge?

I am 20 years old and I feel like I have excessive cm discharge. I have been on the same birth control for about two years (taking it consistantly), I am sexually active (with the same partner of 2 years) about 2-3 times a week, I hardly exercise, and I eat more starch and salt than I do fruits. My cm discharge is so often that sometimes I need to wear a tampon to slow the discharge because if I don't it runs out like a leaking faucet soaking my underwear and making me smell. I don't douche but I do rinse myself with water everyime I shower and it's not any type of infection. It's really embarassing, I have to change my underwear like a few times a day (not always every day), and sometimes I'm forced to change my pants as well. Lately my period varies between every 2 weeks to every 8 days. It used to be like this when I was yonger, stopped, and now has started again in the last 3 years. I didn't think it was unnatural but now I am having second thoughts. Can anyone help me figure this out? I am making an appointment to see my dr soon but I'd like to hear people's opinions first to make sure I'm not overly worrying.