Okay my husband is acting like an asshole. We have a nine year old that isn't biologically his but he has claimed as his own... And a one month old. I'm currently on maternity leave. He works full time. I watch the baby every night and every day. Even on his days off he is present but I'm lucky for him to take care of him for more than an hour that whole day. And he will hold him etc but won't let me nap or leave etc. he wants me to stay there. And only because if the baby cries a lot or needs anything he can hand him to me. I'm being honest I'm not just saying these things. Our son doesn't sleep very well. Some nights he will sleep for a few hours like three in a row. But lately he's been up every hour and a half around the clock for days on end. And the couple times he hasn't been up that much I used the time to do my online school work since I'm in college online finishing up my bachelors degree. I'm an RN. Needless to say I'm completely sleep deprived. Ontop of that he randomly decided to tell me to go upstairs when the baby fell asleep and help him look for batteries for something. We didn't find any but the baby started crying. I went to leave the room and get the baby and he stepped in my way and wouldn't let me leave. Kept saying I had to help him but laughed as he hit me with a plastic sword and kept me from leaving. Like doing it just to be an asshole. I told him the baby will start choking if he cries this hard for this long and I need to get him. He didn't care. Cornered me and when I pushed him he threatened to test him. And he pushed me back. The baby cried for minutes on end as I'm trying to get out of the room and he's laughing at me as I start crying. Then when I finally get out I have tears running down my face as I'm feeding the baby trying to comfort him and he comes downstairs and sighs contently in an obvious manor as if he's pleased that I'm crying etc. I text my mother to please come get the kids for a night because I need a break. My nine year old was in the bath this whole time. She didn't ask questions just said ok and was happy to see the grandkids. She knows his exhausted I am but doesn't know what I go through sometimes. Either way she doesn't mind. He then tells me I'm a bad mother for sending the kids away etc. I lied to him and told him that she asked ME if she could take them. Still didn't help. So let me ask you... Is it bad or wrong or lazy of me to have my mother and father or sometimes they ask so in that case allow them to have the kids one night on weekends? My husband certainly doesn't do shit and if anything he makes my already exhausted mind break down more because he can be an asshole. Do I need to feel guilt for letting my parents help me like this once a week so I can catch up on sleep and get homework done? Today particularly for those things and because he pushed me to the point of tears and I'm over it.