I've been on provera and clomid since February of this year and we have been trying since last May. At the end of last year/beginning of this year we realized that something was wrong when I hadn't gotten my period in 6 months, but wasn't testing positive. The doctor confirmed I wasn't ovulating and put me on clomid. It worked last cycle, but I was devastated at the beginning of my vacation 2 weeks ago when they told me that my levels had dropped again this cycle and it hadn't worked. I took the faint test earlier this week, about 3/4 days ago, but I didn't see it come back positive and threw it away. I took the other test this morning in order to go back on Provera on Monday. I told my husband "I have to take a test, but I am 99.99% sure I'm not pregnant. I took the test and something told me to wait, so I did and all of a sudden this little line started to appear. I freaked out and called my husband into the bathroom to make sure I wasn't imagining things. He confirmed the line and it continued to get darker. He left for work when I remembered the other test and fished it out of the garbage. They're both positive!!!! I can't stop shaking and crying, I'm SO HAPPY!!!