Well, the night the night before I had my son

Well, the night the night before I had my son. I barely got any sleep getting up to go to the bathroom constantly. I got maybe 2-3 hours that night. When I finally got sick of gettinng up to constantly pee. I went about my morning routine in small bursts of pain of course. I called my Midwife at 6:40 And met her at the clinic 20 minutes later. Had checked me and I was almost 5 centimetres. She had checked me again 45 minutes later and I was about 6.5 we went over to the hospital stopping every 2-4 minutes while my contractions kept going. As I waited on the arrival of my cousin and boyfriend. She had checked me again and, I was almost 8. At this time I hadn't had my water break so, she broke it during a contraction. All while this is going on I was texting people and talking on the phone. By 8:55 I started pushing while texting on the phone and by 9:02 my baby was born and my water soaked the floor and almost my Midwife he was very healthy and I left within 3 hours after having him. My boyfriend also proposed to me while we were leaving. So, I had a baby and got engaged within 3 hours